“Macie” a 25lb rescue dog from Ocean Dog Rescue, this little Manchester terrier mix from Taiwan was on the run for 1 month around several parks and many streets and alleys in East Vancouver and was not able to be caught by volunteers, residents of the area or the SPCA. JED came out to track and after many hours searching, setting traps, and stalking parks I caught Macie at 9:00 in the evening with a net as she ran down a dark street. Thanks to Renee from Ocean Dog Rescue for all her many hours of putting up posters and co-ordinating the rescue of Macie. Also, thanks to Debbie and all of the wonderful volunteers at this rescue for their many hours of work trying to bring this beautiful little dog home to safety; they are a very dedicated group of people with a great love for these rescue dogs from Taiwan; really enjoyed being part of this search and rescue of Macie.
FOUND!!! MACIE (East Vancouver) ____ Date: 2011-12-21, 10:30PM PST reply to: (craigslist email address) Macie wandered away from home in Burnaby on Nov. 24th and spent the last 4 weeks on the street, scared and cold. The last 2 weeks we have received many tips and sightings (between Fraser and Renfrew, Broadway to Kingsway) but she would run from anyone who came near her. We are all so happy she is now safe and warm. We would like to thank everyone who called or e-mailed us with sightings… We also want to thank Debbie and all our volunteers for their help. Most of all, thanks to Al from Petsearchers!! He spent many hours in the cold looking for Macie and was finally able to track her down and catch her tonight! We can’t thank him enough. 2nd Craigslist posting: Macie has been found and is safe!!! Date: 2011-12-21, 10:37PM PST Reply to: (craigslist email address) A very big thank you to everyone who phoned in… took time to look in their front and back yards…. kept an eye out for Macie when you went on your walks… phoned in tips and spread the word about her missing. Macie has been found. Al the dog tracker brought her home finally after a very long time. A huge thank you to Al the dog tracker for his patience and persistence, because he didn’t give up Macie has been found!!! Many thanks to everyone who helped out. Happy Holidays and best wishes for you and your families.