Our Services
Finding a lost dog is more often a very time consuming and intricate process. Lost dogs are often frightened and in survival mode. They sometimes cover large distances and are unlikely to allow anyone to approach or catch them, including their owners. In the case of a lost/roaming or stolen dog, it is advantageous to implement a quick and thorough search effort. This often includes a combination of our large posters to get sightings, scent work with our bloodhounds, and the use of our wide range of high-tech search and rescue equipment such as our thermal drone, infrared imaging, live traps and cameras. Each search is unique depending on the circumstances surrounding the pet becoming lost as well as the psychology of the animal. Each lost dog case will require it’s own strategy to deal with these unique sets of challenges. We have the expertise, experience and equipment to give you the best chance of being reunited with your pet.
Starting at $695
Starting at $1295
Any of our search and capture equipment in our inventory could be implemented if required during the search, at the discretion of Petsearchers. This includes but not limited to the following:
Search Package fees do not include the following:
$105 for up to 30 minutes
$49 for follow up phone call
Petsearchers Canada uses highly skilled and rigorously trained bloodhounds in order to track/trail your lost cat or dog. Bloodhounds are natural trackers and without question considered the best tracking dogs throughout the world.
The bloodhound’s distinctive physical characteristics also add to its incredible tracking ability. The long, drooping ears drag on the ground to collect odors and swirl them up to their nose and the loose, wrinkled skin around the face and neck helps trap and concentrate scent particles. Their large paws and muscular bodies are built to handle long searches through varied terrain – up and down mountainsides, across streams and rivers, or for a long track down the unforgiving cement in a city environment.
For the bloodhound, this image is far more detailed than a photograph would be for you or I. Using the stored odor blueprint as a reference, the dog is able to locate your pet’s scent or trail, which is made up of a combination of breath, skin cells (dander), fur, and possibly drool/urine/droppings.
A bloodhound can recognize and follow a specific scent and while following that scent trail, alert to what we call “scent pools”. Scent pools are areas of concentrated scent – somewhere your cat or dog may have nested or slept in, a clump of fur snagged on a branch or a collar that has fallen off, or a confrontation with other domesticated or wild animals during your pet’s travels. Our bloodhounds can “scent discriminate”- not only follow a scent trail but can also include the use of “air trailing” (catching a scent from the air) and differentiate the pet being scented when the trail is cross-contaminated, even if it is with another cat/dog scent. Once our bloodhound identifies your pet’s scent, it will use the odor blueprint to ensure it stays only on your pets’ track. The bloodhound will only quit once he finds the source of the scent or reaches the end of the trail.
We have developed a highly effective custom training program for our bloodhounds. To develop these skills required to carry out a successful search in any circumstance (busy city streets, deep in the forest, or in busy residential areas) our bloodhounds go through a long, difficult training process and we continually refresh and test their capabilities to ensure they are consistently on point.