Our Services
In addition to Bloodhound tracking, our company utilizes a variety of equipment to aid in tracking and trapping. Here are some of our Strategies and tools that we use
In the case of missing indoor cats, it is very important that the search is handled cautiously. The last thing you need is to see your cat flushed out of a hiding spot that they feel safe in and sent off running into a potentially more dangerous situation. Petsearchers Canada’s trackers have thousands of search hours of expertise and have helped reunite hundreds and hundreds of lost indoor cats with their families. This experience means we are well versed in any challenge that may arise when searching for your missing cat.
With an indoor/outdoor cat search, there are generally three different strategies that we implement to try to locate your cat.
1. First, we try to locate a fresh scent of your missing cat with one of our Bloodhounds, with the main objective of locating your cat and having a “live find” on the search.
This is always our goal with every search and what we strive for with every case. We have flushed many cats from hiding, tracked them to people’s houses who had taken them in, and also found them trapped in sheds or garages. The possibilities are endless as to where and how a missing cat may be located.
2. In other cases, it is not possible to do a direct track on your lost cat however we could be alerted to scent pools in areas where your cat has recently been.
These findings can be invaluable in continuing a search for your missing cat such as a direction of travel can result in a new area to be canvassed for sightings. We have had many cats get home as a direct result of an owner using the scent search information to restructure their search efforts based on evidence found during a bloodhound tracking session.
3. In rarer cases, our bloodhound will tell us there is a complete lack of scent in the area canvassed.
This also is extremely valuable information in carrying any search effort forward. We have had many successfully closed cases where we have had a lack of scent findings which allows us to help coach the owner in refocusing their search efforts entirely to more productive methods, often leading to a successful resolution. Lack of scent can also be due to the amount of time your cat has been missing for, if your cat has been picked up by a predator or human, or if your cat has travelled outside of the search area, etc.
It often takes a quick implementation of a thorough search effort to ensure that your cat gets home safely. You can be assured we have the knowledge and proven strategies to conduct a top-notch search.
$105 for up to 30 minutes
$49 for follow up phone call
$ – Varying prices depending on situation, i.e. location and other various factors.
Search Package fees do not include the following:
Any of our search and capture equipment in our inventory could be implemented if required during the search, at the discretion of Petsearchers. This includes but not limited to the following:
Petsearchers Canada uses highly skilled and rigorously trained bloodhounds in order to track/trail your lost cat or dog. Bloodhounds are natural trackers and without question considered the best tracking dogs throughout the world.
The bloodhound’s distinctive physical characteristics also add to its incredible tracking ability. The long, drooping ears drag on the ground to collect odors and swirl them up to their nose and the loose, wrinkled skin around the face and neck helps trap and concentrate scent particles. Their large paws and muscular bodies are built to handle long searches through varied terrain – up and down mountainsides, across streams and rivers, or for a long track down the unforgiving cement in a city environment.
For the bloodhound, this image is far more detailed than a photograph would be for you or I. Using the stored odor blueprint as a reference, the dog is able to locate your pet’s scent or trail, which is made up of a combination of breath, skin cells (dander), fur, and possibly drool/urine/droppings.
A bloodhound can recognize and follow a specific scent and while following that scent trail, alert to what we call “scent pools”. Scent pools are areas of concentrated scent – somewhere your cat or dog may have nested or slept in, a clump of fur snagged on a branch or a collar that has fallen off, or a confrontation with other domesticated or wild animals during your pet’s travels. Our bloodhounds can “scent discriminate”- not only follow a scent trail but can also include the use of “air trailing” (catching a scent from the air) and differentiate the pet being scented when the trail is cross-contaminated, even if it is with another cat/dog scent. Once our bloodhound identifies your pet’s scent, it will use the odor blueprint to ensure it stays only on your pets’ track. The bloodhound will only quit once he finds the source of the scent or reaches the end of the trail.
We have developed a highly effective custom training program for our bloodhounds. To develop these skills required to carry out a successful search in any circumstance (busy city streets, deep in the forest, or in busy residential areas) our bloodhounds go through a long, difficult training process and we continually refresh and test their capabilities to ensure they are consistently on point.