Our Vision
My company was a vision borne from my experiences while looking for one of my own lost pets. Saxxon our Shar Pei ran from our yard when a fallen tree crushed a part of our fence during a severe snowstorm. We spent countless hours searching day and night for Saxxon while our present business at the time was essentially put-on hold, at an enormous financial and emotional cost to my family.
I quickly realized that I needed to utilize my experience of many years of previous tracking and training hunting dogs on our family Game Farm in southern Ontario. I had to figure out where Saxxon was and more importantly where he was going, understanding this would be instrumental in finding my boy. I eventually found Saxxon many kilometers away from home, hiding in some bushes during a snowstorm.
When I added up my search expenses it was thousands of dollars, as the old slogan goes “time is money.” Unfortunately, I had no other choice at the time because my dog was running through dangerous traffic, up against predators, all while enduring severe weather conditions.
While searching for Saxxon, I soon realized that I was not the only person going through this turmoil of searching for my lost loved one. These people also did not know what to do or where to turn for help. I started to offer my skills to help others find their lost pets as well and before long word was spreading about my many successful searches.
I was eventually lucky enough to adopt a bloodhound named Jed and with some advanced scent training Jed helped create Petsearchers Canada. Today our team offers a full-scale Bloodhound Tracking Service.
We are constantly upgrading our high-tech surveillance and capture equipment inventory – enabling us to quickly bring your pet home safe. Our present search packages are designed to incorporate all the effective steps that have already helped Petsearchers Canada reunite thousands of lost and stolen pets with their loving families. We have structured our packages to take much of the stress, overall costs, worry and confusion out of the process of finding your pet. Our highly trained staff is always ready to assist in bringing your family member back home safe.
Al MacLellan